
Where written stories are turned into audio experiences

Specializing in young audiences, Récibook creates audio experiences to increase customers’ brand awareness by adapting original written work or inventing new stories. All that magic happens by a big bunch of artistic directors, musical engineers, writers, and actors on the remote island of Mauritius.

A brand such as Récibook should shout joy, creativity, and childish curiosity. While the team behind the company is nothing less than that, their brand identity and website as a critical marketing channel were misaligned with their company culture and service offerings.

Visit recibook.fr
Brand identity
March, 2021
Jovana – Illustrations

Not an ordinary brand

So I went with an unordinary approach to the logomark: From opening doors to a world of wonder and humanoids emanating a rainbow-like wave of joy to a few constructs of a treehouse.

But the answer has been hiding in plain sight—a microphone holding audio wavelengths, which could be easily animated to reveal its meaning through motion.

Child-like illustrations and doodles

Lots of them. And for that, I requested the help of my fellow countrywoman—Jovana Trajanova. Her background in the arts made this task a breeze. So, we went all in using this visual language throughout the website and other marketing materials.

A website that is playful and accessible

When you combine the free-form artistic approach from Jovana and my mathematical grid-like approach to designing layouts, you end up with a wildly playful website that also fully abides by web accessibility principles and is painless to code.

This collaboration went perfectly. Zlatko is both a strong proposer and a good listener. His professionalism is constant throughout the process, from the format of the deliverables to his responsiveness and availability.
Maxime Demoor, CEO of Stratalis

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